Dentures With Implants - Everything You Need To Know

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Have you ever been on a diet? Or should we refer to it as a lifestyle change? We know saying “diet” can be totally taboo and considered a no-no.

The word “diet” isn’t evil. It can either mean the way a person usually eats or a means of restricting yourself in order to lose weight. 

Let’s be honest. The majority of people change the way they eat with the hope of shedding some fluff. (Does it make it better if we call it fluff? You know … the fluff that hangs over your belt or makes your zipper beg for elastic.)

People who want to have less fat, more lean muscle, less joint pain, better sleep, and more energy know that there is more to “dieting” than restricting the amount of food. 

Can you drop weight by limiting your caloric intake? Sure you can. That will cause most people to lose some weight. But if you’re one of the people who have struggled to take off more than a pound or two no matter how much you restricted your calories, you are rolling your eyes and using a few choice words right about now.

If there were levels of dieting, then simply taking away calories would be like the Yugo of diets. (Think cheapest and worst car in American history and you have the Yugo.) Yugos were great getting out of the gate, but absolutely nothing for stamina!

You need to eat the right foods and combine them with exercise so you can get your metabolism moving in the right direction and build muscle. If your metabolism is at a standstill and you aren’t building muscle, you will not lose weight. 

There are multiple levels for dieting. The Maserati of diets would be like seeing a nutritionist and working with a really good personal trainer. One would figure out which foods your body needs to operate at its best, while the other would determine which exercises cause you to burn calories and build the most lean muscle, delivering the best possible outcome.

There are different levels for so many things other than diets and cars … Hair care, hotels, jeans (ask a female over forty, she knows), tires, countertops, razors, teeth whitening … even replacing your teeth has its levels.

Options for Replacing Your Teeth

When it comes to replacing your teeth, you need to know which levels are out there. Sure there are fast and furious options that will be cheap. Yes, cheap and everything that word entails.

Dentures, bridges, implants … They are all choices for replacing your teeth. To put it in perspective, dentures are more comparable to the Yugo of teeth replacements. On the flipside, full fixed-arch dental implants are the Maserati.

For today, we are going to talk implants. More specifically, we are going to tell you all about dentures with implants, otherwise known as an overdenture or implant-supported denture.

depiction of all on 4 dental implants

Dentures With Implants

Alrighty, so dentures with implants may not be a Maserati, but they are still a great choice. We’re about to tell you what makes them a good choice for replacing your missing teeth. 

Dentures with implants are also known as an overdenture. Your new teeth will snap together with your implant posts or snap directly onto a metal frame on your gums. Because it snaps on, you take it off and on. 

This may just sound like glorified traditional dentures. Nope, that is not it at all. Although it is removable, it is going to fit so much better than standard dentures. Standard dentures just suction to your gums with adhesive and a prayer.

An overdenture will have a structure that is secured to your jawbone. This structure will use screws drilled into your jawbone to firmly attach it. Is it more invasive than plain dentures? Yep. Is it better than regular dentures? Absolutely.

Alrighty. So your implants are made up of posts that fuse to the surrounding bone creating a secure fit. The implants can be used to secure both upper and lower dentures. 

There are bar-retained and ball-retained systems for dental implants. The denture is attached to one of these systems by a minimum of two implants to ensure stability.

For the ball-retained system, the posts hold the attachment that fits with a corresponding part on the denture. For bar-retained dentures, between two and five implants are anchored into a metal bar containing connectors for the denture.

This type of implant will prevent further bone loss and shrinking of your jawbone.

Dentures do nothing to prevent bone loss, so anywhere that you are missing teeth, your bones will atrophy. Just imagine what this means when you have a full set of dentures in your mouth. 

You may have no idea what we mean when we’re talking about bone loss and dentures. So, let’s get real for a minute.

Dentures and Bone Loss

Our natural adult teeth have roots that should attach them firmly in our mouths. Through the act of chewing, the force that travels through the roots stimulates the jawbone and encourages further bone cell growth and regeneration. 

When teeth are missing, there is nothing to stimulate further bone cell growth. That is when atrophy, shrinkage, or bone cell loss happens. And it continues to happen as long as there is nothing to stimulate the bone.

If you connect the dots, you can understand why having standard dentures contributes to bone loss and shrinkage. Your chin shrinks, your face sinks in … and those dentures will not stay in place. Should you wait too long to do something about it, you may not have much bone left in your mouth to remedy the situation.

Dental Implants Prevent Bone Loss

When you choose implants as the way to replace your missing teeth, further bone loss is not a problem. Implants use a screw that acts like a tooth root to stimulate bone cell regeneration. 

If you don’t have the skeletal structure to support your dentures, think about what this means for biting and chewing. Might be just a smidge difficult to chew your food without bones supporting your mouth, huh?

Dentures with implants, or snap-in dentures, are more secure and safe than dentures, but still not the best option when it comes to bite force, durability, and comfort.

Because they are still dentures, they are made of acrylic (the same cheap plastic used in fake fingernails!) The use of cheaper, less durable material means that they have to be thicker than your natural teeth in an attempt to keep from breaking. But, they still break often. That's why we recommend Nuvia's Permanent Teeth in 24 Hours.

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Nuvia gives you a secured prosthetic that delivers more biting force and enjoyable chewing than dentures on their own. 

We only use ultra durable material for your implants. And one of the things you’ll love about us is that we have the videos to back up what we’re telling you! Check this out and see for yourself.

What if You Want the Highest Quality Replacement Teeth Available?

Some of you don’t ever plan to put the proverbial Yugo teeth into your mouth. You are a Maserati guy all the way. We have fantastic news for you. Nuvia can give you the Maserati of implants with our full fixed-arch implants.

We can restore 90% of your biting force with our implants. A full fixed arch will enable you to enjoy your favorite steak, corn on the cob, and an entire apple. There will be zero additional bone loss. Your teeth won’t slip. Your speech won’t be impeded. And your teeth won’t fall out.

Our full fixed arch will completely replace your teeth. It’s made of extremely durable zirconia that matches your teeth to give you the most natural results that don’t fail you.

The surgeon will install your implants and over the next four to six months, they fuse to the jaw bone through a process called osseointegration. Your new implants are actually integrating themselves into your mouth permanently.

You can munch and chew away on soft foods as your teeth get comfortable with their new roots and become fully integrated into your mouth. And by soft foods, we don’t just mean pudding. You can eat hamburgers, hot dogs, and pizza. Yep. You really can!

Do You Want to Know More About Nuvia Dental Implants?

That’s awesome! We want you to know more, too … And we would love to tell you! You can take our free 60-Second Quiz or you can contact us to learn more. 

We have more great news for you. Our consultations are affordable, and by affordable we mean totally FREE. Yep. You can have a FREE consultation for the most reliable dental implants available.

One more thing. Did we mention our proprietary implant process takes just twenty-four hours? Mmmhmm. Real teeth snugly fitted in your mouth within twenty-four hours.

So, reach out to us and let us help you make the most well-informed decision possible for replacing your teeth!


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Cost Guide

Dental Implant Cost Guide

2025 Cost Guide

This guide is designed to walk you step by step through the dental implant process and each dental implant type with their associated costs.

  • Different implant types and their average costs
  • 4 little known factors that affect pricing
  • How much will dental & health insurance typically cover for dental implants?
  • What 1000’s of average Americans are doing to make this treatment affordable.
  • And more...
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