January 29, 2025

All-on-4® Dental Implant Problems He Didn’t See Coming

Find Out If You May Be Eligible
For Permanent Teeth in 24 Hours

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Man showing his All-on-4® dental implant problems by pulling down top lip

Table of Contents

When Alex got his new teeth six months ago there were some unexpected surprises along the way. Between the All-on-4® dental implant problems and the life-changing benefits of permanent teeth in 24 hours, his story is one that you won’t want to miss…

*Actual NUVIA patient(s) who may have been compensated for sharing their story. Not all those who come in for a consultation are eligible for this treatment. Results may vary in individual cases.

Find out if you may be eligible for dental implants with this 60-second quiz

The Best Parts of Getting All-on-4® Dental Implants

Before getting into the top three All-on-4® dental implant problems, Alex was quick to share just how impactful his new smile has been over the last six months since he first had the procedure and got his permanent teeth.

Here were some of his favorite parts of getting his new smile:

  • His care team: Throughout the entire process of getting new teeth, Alex was put at ease by how many friendly and experienced individuals were on his team. He shares that even though he was nervous for surgery he felt much better walking into the room being met by the surgeon, CRNA, and other staff.

  • The confidence he felt: A huge benefit of his new smile is the confidence he feels while socializing. Even going to work was a different experience. “When I came into work with my new teeth, my coworkers were shocked. They said, ‘You have teeth!’”.

  • How strong his zirconia teeth are: Alex was impressed with how strong and durable his new zirconia teeth were. He doesn’t have to worry about his teeth breaking or chipping like he might with acrylic teeth.

  • Being able to eat again: With his new teeth Alex can now enjoy fresh fruit, chips and salsa, almonds, trail mix, and more without pain.

Man smiling before and after All-on-4® Dental Implant Problems

The Top All-on-4® Dental Implant Problems

What challenges might someone encounter while getting a new smile? Everyone’s experience is different but these are Alex’s top all-on-4® dental implant problems:

Facing the Fear of Surgery

Alex was skeptical of getting permanent teeth in 24 hours at first. His prior experience did not paint the dental implant experience in a good light. 

“I had shopped around so many places... every time I heard things, it was like, ‘Oh, it’s going to take forever. Oh, you’re going to have to wear temporaries,’” he recalls. 

Like many who have lived with missing or damaged teeth, he carried anxiety about the procedure itself and was worried about the pain.

“ I had been in pain for so long with broken, damaged teeth, missing teeth.

And the idea that someone else is gonna be poking around in my mouth, making even more pain or, you know, healing from all this damage, I was not looking forward to it.”

To his surprise, he experienced something far different from what he was expecting. “I had very little pain, just a little discomfort, swelling, and bruising,” Alex says. 

“I was very happily surprised.” Although every patient’s experience is different, his story isn’t uncommon. 

Alex who just got all on 4 dental implants with staff

All-on-4® Dental Implant Problems That Required Adjusting To

When someone is missing a lot of teeth for a long period of time, it can be quite an adjustment for the mouth and tongue to get used to a new, full set of teeth. 

Like others, Alex had to adjust to some temporary frustrations after getting his dental implants. 

“When they put these new Nuvia teeth in your mouth, your tongue doesn’t know where to go. It’s a whole new home,” he explains.

This adjustment period included dealing with a temporary lisp and biting his cheek or tongue more frequently than normal. 

But with tools like speech practice exercises and time, Alex found his rhythm. “It just takes a little bit of time. As your implants settle in and your mouth adjusts, it becomes a lot easier to speak and eat,” he says.

One big reason Alex chose to get his new smile at Nuvia was so he could get his final set of teeth in 24 hours rather than spend what could be months waiting with temporary teeth.

Instead of going through the traditional experience and having to adjust to a temporary set of teeth and start over again with his permanent teeth, he got to start getting used to his final teeth right away.

Zirconia teeth used with all on 4 dental implants

Eating Challenges

Another of the most common All-on-4 dental implant problems is relearning how to eat comfortably. For Alex, this meant dealing with small foods like rice or salad getting stuck around the implants. However, he quickly discovered the solution. 

“The easiest thing is maintenance—brushing, flossing, and using a Waterpik. It cleans out everything, and you feel fresh and comfortable,” Alex says.

Despite these minor frustrations, the joy of eating again far outweighed the challenges. “I ate my first apple in over a decade,” Alex remembers. 

“Biting into it again... I won’t say I cried, but I thought about crying.” 

For him, the ability to enjoy steak, trail mix, fresh fruit, and his favorite Mexican dishes made the process worth every step.

Similar to how some patients experience an adjustment period for talking, getting used to eating all kinds of foods is also a temporary adjustment. After the dental implants heal, patients can eat whatever their hearts desire.

All-on-4® Dental Implant Problems That Don’t Last

Alex’s experience getting a new smile wasn’t without some minor challenges, but the life-changing results made it all worthwhile. 

For anyone considering All-on-4 dental implants, he offers this advice: “Trust Nuvia. Look at the [SML MKR] club, know you’ll be taken care of. It’s made every bit of my life so much better.”

If concerns about All-on-4 dental implant problems have held you back, Alex’s story is a reminder that even with some adjustments and worries along the way, it’s all worth it to be rid of dental paid, eat whatever you’d like, and have a new smile that you can confidently share with others.

Ready to start smiling again? Take the 60-second quiz to see if you may be a candidate for dental implants.


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Cost Guide

Dental Implant Cost Guide

2025 Cost Guide

This guide is designed to walk you step by step through the dental implant process and each dental implant type with their associated costs.

  • Different implant types and their average costs
  • 4 little known factors that affect pricing
  • How much will dental & health insurance typically cover for dental implants?
  • What 1000’s of average Americans are doing to make this treatment affordable.
  • And more...
Get the Guide

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