January 17, 2025

All He Wanted Was a Fast New Smile… This is What He Got

Find Out If You May Be Eligible
For Permanent Teeth in 24 Hours

Get The Dental Implant Cost Guide

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Looking for a fast new smile? If you’ve been struggling with missing or failing teeth, you know how much they can impact your ability to enjoy food, and your overall quality of life. 

But what if there was a permanent solution that you could get in 24 hours?

Dental implants can restore your ability to eat what you want, confidently share your smile, and improve oral health. 

With dental implants you’re not just getting some temporary solution that comes with its own set of problems like dentures. Full mouth dental implants with permanent zirconia teeth are life-changing. AND you can get them in 24 hours.

So what’s the process like and what can you expect? Find out from patients who have experienced it themselves in the video below:

End the struggle of missing and failing teeth. Take the 60-second quiz to see if you may be a candidate for full mouth dental implants.

*Actual NUVIA patient(s) who may have been compensated for sharing their story. Not all those who come in for a consultation are eligible for this treatment. Results may vary in individual cases.

What You Really Get From A Fast New Smile

A fast new smile isn’t just about getting teeth quickly—though that is a huge benefit considering traditional methods of getting new teeth may take up to 10+ months. It’s about changing your life overnight and getting back what you lost from poor oral health. 

For anyone tired of dealing with dentures or failing teeth, dental implants with permanent teeth in 24 hours can offer a long-term solution that temporary solutions can’t match.

Traditional Methods vs Permanent Teeth in 24 Hours

Traditional dental implant methods may take up to 10+ months to complete. During this time, patients are stuck with a temporary denture while their final set of teeth are being created.

Between potential return appointments, temporary teeth breaking or needing to be replaced and dealing with a bulky set of acrylic teeth, traditional methods can be a headache.

Permanent teeth in just 24 hours mean you skip the drawbacks of temporary teeth and get a fast new smile with permanent teeth in 24 hours.

The Drawbacks of Temporary Teeth

Temporary teeth often come with their own set of challenges. They may feel clunky, require frequent adjustments, and limit your diet. 

Plus, they aren’t designed to last, leaving you waiting for the day you finally get your permanent smile.

In contrast, permanent teeth are created custom for your mouth and are incredibly durable thanks to the zirconia they're made from. 

Denture crossed out next to permanent zirconia teeth

No Liquid Diet

Some traditional methods of getting full mouth dental implants may require a strict liquid diet for weeks. However, you never have to suffer through a liquid only diet when you get your smile at Nuvia.

You can begin enjoying soft foods right away. This means you can start eating more naturally, helping you adjust faster and with less frustration.

In the video above Ricky and Troy both described what it’s actually like adjusting to a soft-food diet for the few months while the jawbone fuses to the dental implants.

“The soft food doesn't mean soup. There are tons of stuff. You're probably eating more than the people that have bad teeth.”

Fast New Smile with Zirconia Teeth

Zirconia is known for how strong and durable it is and how well it resembles natural teeth

Unlike acrylic or other less durable materials, it is not easy to chip, crack, or stain zirconia. 

Adjusting to Full Mouth Dental Implants

When you get a fast new smile in 24 hours, there is likely to be an adjustment period. Especially if it’s been a long time since  you had a full set of teeth in your mouth. 

Here are a few things you may need to adjust to:

Eating with New Teeth

Eating with full-mouth dental implants may feel different at first, but with a little practice, most patients get used to it pretty quick. 

Ricky explains what makes it a little different at first, “You can't tell how hard you're biting yet, or how hot stuff is.”

Both Ricky and Troy agreed that it was great to get their permanent teeth right away so as they were practicing eating and adjusting, it was with their final set of teeth. Neither of them had to get used to a temporary set only to have to start over with a final set.

During the adjustment period, it’s important to stick to soft foods and avoid hard or sticky items to allow the implants to fully heal.

After you adjust and you’ve spent the recommended time eating a soft food diet, you can eat whatever you’d like and won’t be limited by poor dental health any longer.

Speaking with Dental Implants

Many patients worry about what it may be like speaking with new teeth, but take it from patients like Ricky and Troy, the adjustment period is temporary. 

The SML MKR club is a great resource for patients to talk with other patients, share experiences, and share tips or speaking exercises to help get used to talking with your new teeth. 

Troy smiling before and after getting a fast new smile

Is it Worth the Investment? How Much Does a Fast New Smile Cost?

It’s true: dental implants can be a significant investment. They may be a financial investment but most importantly, they are an investment in yourself.

Designed to last a lifetime with proper care, you won’t ever need to worry about expensive root canals, fillings, crowns, or other dental procedures that people with failing teeth experience.

Some people wonder how the cost of dental implants compare to solutions like dentures or partials - temporary options that some people turn to when looking for a fast new smile. The truth is, these forms of dentures aren’t designed to last forever.

Dentures need to be replaced or repaired over the years. They also may require ongoing costs for maintenance and adhesives. It is extremely common for dentures to lead to bone loss as well since the jawbone no longer has teeth roots (or artificial implant ones) to stimulate it.

This can end up costing a denture wearer even more when they need to look for permanent solutions or procedures such as bone grafts.

Find out more about dental implant cost, financing plans, and answers to insurance related questions in the dental implant cost guide.


Top Questions When Getting a Fast New Smile

How much is a brand new smile?

Can dental implants really be done in one day?

How long do you go without teeth when getting implants?

What are the disadvantages of immediate loading implants?

Cost Guide

Dental Implant Cost Guide

2025 Cost Guide

This guide is designed to walk you step by step through the dental implant process and each dental implant type with their associated costs.

  • Different implant types and their average costs
  • 4 little known factors that affect pricing
  • How much will dental & health insurance typically cover for dental implants?
  • What 1000’s of average Americans are doing to make this treatment affordable.
  • And more...
Get the Guide

Top 3 Must-Read Articles: Answers to Your FAQs

All Resources

Nuvia's Permanent Teeth in 24 Hours VS Teeth-In-A-Day.

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Do Dental Implants Hurt? What to Expect From Dental Implant Surgery

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Dental Implants Vs. Dentures - How Implants Can Help

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