The Ultimate Guide to Full Mouth Dental Implants

*Actual NUVIA patient(s) who may have been compensated for sharing their story. Not all those who come in for a consultation are eligible for this treatment. Results may vary in individual cases.

I Don't Recognize My Smile Anymore

Bob is a U.S. Veteran who served our country in the Vietnam war. During the war, Bob was exposed to something called “agent orange.” Agent orange was used by the United States Army during the Vietnam War to get rid of plants and trees that the enemy was using to hide behind. Agent Orange has since caused many problems with war vets including dental problems.

Bob has suffered for years with rotting teeth and hasn’t been able to properly chew his food.

He told us that he misses eating salads, potatoes, beans, eggs and many other foods since he has lost his teeth. He has been forced to live on a mostly liquid diet because he can no longer chew his food.

He believes that his health starts in his mouth. Because he can not chew, he is not able to get the nutrition that he needs to be healthy. This has really affected his overall health.

Bob’s brother-in-law also had treatment done by Nuvia and after seeing his results, Bob knew he needed to go, too.

As he explored his options, he asked about snap-in dentures, teeth in a day, and Nuvia’s permanent teeth in 24-hours. As he learned more about Nuvia’s full mouth dental implants, he knew that this was the right option for him. 

While serving in the military, when Bob would get a cavity, the dentist would pull the tooth out rather than do a filling. This has caused him to lose a lot of teeth over the years. 

After many teeth were pulled, the teeth that were left in his mouth continued to get more and more cavities and his quality of life was suffering because of his painful teeth.

Until Bob stopped smiling. 

“I haven’t been in the habit of smiling a lot, simply because I didn’t have teeth to smile with.”

Everyone deserves to smile, especially you.

Bob tells us that the Nuvia team in Denver, made him feel very welcomed and always remembered him by name.

Once he had his dental implant procedure done, he went home to rest and we got to work making the smile he designed. 24 hours later, he returned to get his permanent teeth carefully put in.

As he takes in his smile, he admits, “I don’t recognize myself.. I can’t get enough of looking at ‘em. I had no idea they were going to look like this.. they’re beautiful.”

We all celebrated with Bob when he got his new smile. We loved to hear him explain how grateful he is for coming to Nuvia. Shortly after, we sent him home to enjoy his new smile. 

2 weeks after receiving his full mouth dental implants, we saw Bob again.

But this time, we saw the real Bob. Not the one who was hiding behind broken down and painful teeth, but the Bob who loves to eat salads and smile at everyone. The Bob that he has been afraid to show for so too long.

“I don’t know what I would tell my old self except to get it done sooner! The sooner you can do it, the happier you’re gonna be!”

Because Bob made the courageous decision to come to Nuvia, he has been pleasantly surprised with how different Nuvia is from other dental offices he has visited. 

The Denver team continues to remember Bob by name even after months of not seeing him.

How would that make you feel to have a dental office not be somewhere to fear visiting but rather look forward to?

“If you’re gonna go ahead and have it done, do it as soon as you possibly can. That way, you will have time to enjoy your life. The sooner the better. Get it done.”

Sincerely your new friend.,


Cost Guide

Dental Implant Cost Guide

2025 Cost Guide

This guide is designed to walk you step by step through the dental implant process and each dental implant type with their associated costs.

  • Different implant types and their average costs
  • 4 little known factors that affect pricing
  • How much will dental & health insurance typically cover for dental implants?
  • What 1000’s of average Americans are doing to make this treatment affordable.
  • And more...
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