Smile Transformations

I Suffered in temps for 5 Years Until Nuvia Fixed My Smile!

The Ultimate Guide to Full Mouth Dental Implants

*Actual NUVIA patient(s) who may have been compensated for sharing their story. Not all those who come in for a consultation are eligible for this treatment. Results may vary in individual cases.

I Suffered in temps for 5 Years Until Nuvia Fixed My Smile!

Being 100 feet in the air, balancing on a 5 inch beam, Paul needed to be on his A-game. As a construction worker in Salt Lake City, Utah, Paul's job never ended. He always had work to do and his teeth were getting in the way of him being able to do it. 

Paul would get toothaches that would lead to major headaches and caused him to not be able to function properly. With his job being the only way that he could provide for his family, he knew he had to do something to fix this.

Now, Paul’s teeth were breaking off at the gums, so he went to a local dental implant provider and trusted them to be able to deliver what they promised him; “Teeth In A Day.” 

If you aren’t familiar with “Teeth In A Day” it is essentially a plastic denture fixed to the dental implants after surgery until a permanent prosthetic can be fabricated.

Paul went in for his surgery at his old provider and during the middle of the operation, 


Then he was jumped on and restrained by the team members… 

Sounds like a nightmare, doesn’t it? Sadly, this was only the beginning of the 5 year horror show for Paul. 

Now, you may be wondering, “If Paul was “put to sleep”.. how did he wake up?..”

Because we weren’t there, we can’t tell you how it happened. But what we can tell you are the safeguards that we have put into place to ensure that this doesn’t happen to our patients.

While it is legal for a doctor to do both the surgery and anesthesia during dental implant surgery, it is not our practice.

We always have at least 2 licensed providers in every procedure. We don’t make it complicated: There will be a surgeon to perform your surgery and an anesthetist to perform your anesthesia. 

We take out as many risks for complications as possible. Your safety is our priority. 

Well, because Paul woke up during his surgery with the other dental implant provider, his dental implants took on some trauma during the excitement and the next day, 


Which meant yet another surgery to replace the ones that fell out!

“From there on out - It has been nothing but a complete disaster!” -Paul

Dr. Heimer, a Surgeon at Nuvia, explained that Paul received his surgery in 2016 and


The permanents that the other provider made were not at all what Paul was looking for. You can see in the photo below how they lined up in his mouth. Because of this, he couldn’t even chew his food. It was a BIG MESS..

Paul finally made the decision, despite his negative experience, to find another dental implant provider. And, through a lot of research, he found Nuvia. He says that he was blown away at how well he was treated by the team in Salt Lake City, Utah

Paul even teared up telling us about how much more enjoyable his experience was than at his previous provider. He finally felt like a person..

Now, Nuvia does not ever leave a job half done. We do it right the first time. Because Paul did not have his dental implants placed correctly by his previous provider, he was left with bone loss around the lower dental implants. Bone loss can lead to dental implant failure if not addressed.

“We weren’t going to put a new set of teeth on implants that may have a short lifespan. We want to make sure that we start with a great foundation and that everything is healthy. That way you will get the longest lifespan and longevity out of the restoration

Sort of like if you were remodeling your home and you saw that your foundation was compromised. You would want to fix it before it caused you further damage. The same thing goes for your dental implants. Dental Implants need a strong foundation of bone to hold onto for them to do their job correctly and last forever. 

During his surgery, he slept like a baby through the entire procedure. He had an anesthetist monitoring his safety and sedation levels the entire time and his procedure went perfectly.

Paul returned 24 hours after his surgery, and couldn’t wait to see the results! In tears, Paul shared with us how happy he is with the results. He couldn't stop looking at them!

It took 5 years of back and forth with his previous dental implant provider to finally decide to make a change, and guess how long it took for him to finish his process at Nuvia?

11 Days.

His first consultation was on December 6th, 2021 where he met with the Nuvia Surgeon and Smile Consultant.

He came back on December 13th, 2021 to help design his dream smile, and then had dental implant surgery on December 16th, 2021 to fix his bottom dental implants. Finally, his permanent teeth were placed on December 17th, 2021. 

11 days to put an end to his 5 year nightmare.

He explained that he was unhappy when he had dental implant surgery with someone else but then when he came to Nuvia he was amazed, pleased, and very happy!

“I feel 100% confident that my teeth are working the way that they are supposed to now. These teeth that Nuvia has made for me are very strong and very tough. I can feel when I bite and chew that it is more solid and all over a better device.. Here at Nuvia there is a night and day difference. I am way happier. They just want me to be happy and healthy and I wasn’t getting that kind of care where I was before..”

Cost Guide

Dental Implant Cost Guide

2025 Cost Guide

This guide is designed to walk you step by step through the dental implant process and each dental implant type with their associated costs.

  • Different implant types and their average costs
  • 4 little known factors that affect pricing
  • How much will dental & health insurance typically cover for dental implants?
  • What 1000’s of average Americans are doing to make this treatment affordable.
  • And more...
Get the Guide

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