Smile Transformations

He Traveled 1,600 Miles to Get Dental Implants!!

The Ultimate Guide to Full Mouth Dental Implants

*Actual NUVIA patient(s) who may have been compensated for sharing their story. Not all those who come in for a consultation are eligible for this treatment. Results may vary in individual cases.

What if you don’t live close to a Nuvia Dental Implant Center? You may be wondering, is it possible to travel to Nuvia to get your Permanent Teeth in 24 hours?.. 

Well, the answer is YES!

Many of our patients are seeking the option that Nuvia offers for permanent teeth in 24 hours, but are not close to a Nuvia center. So they travel to come see us! We understand this may sound intimidating, but with the help of our traveling team to make the whole process as seamless as possible. It is a trip that will change your life forever.

Steven is one of our traveling patients who came to see us from his home in Virginia, to our Denver location. He traveled 1,600 miles to get a new smile from Nuvia!

What caused Steven to be in need of dental implants is a condition called bruxism (Brucks-is-em). This basically means he would grind his teeth back and forth. After doing this for years on end, his teeth were worn away until they were stubs.

Many adults grind their teeth and this can cause serious and permanent damage to the natural teeth leaving little to no hope of restoring the nubbs left behind. 

Do you grind or clench your teeth? 

Well, for our patient, Steven, he definitely did. And he didn’t find this out until he was 49 years old. By this time, it had been going on for decades. 

Steven would unknowingly grind his teeth during his sleep to the point that he was having extreme hot and cold sensitivity! He started wearing a nite guard to help with the problem, but by this time.. The damage was already done and he needed a new solution.

Steven explained to us the difficulty of chewing his food with the state of his teeth. 

He had to bite his bottom lip with his top teeth just to cut through noodles!!

It was bad.. It even got to the point where..

He got pliers to pull out his teeth himself to stop the pain!! 

This happened on several occasions for Steven. 

“I hid my smile a lot..I didn’t want people to see how bad my teeth were.”

Steven made the courageous decision to come to Nuvia, and he was welcomed by the team in Denver with open arms.

When Steven came in for surgery, we helped him feel comfortable and put him under general anesthesia so he could sleep through the entire procedure.

Commonly people who come to see us have a lot of dental anxiety and fear. We understand that this is a really difficult challenge for a lot of people to deal with and we strive to make the entire process as smooth as possible by keeping it very simple. 

During any dental work, you will be safely sedated and monitored in depth by an anesthesia provider. We do our best to take the fear out of going to the dentist and put the fun back into it!

Once the procedure is done, it is all smooth sailing from there. 

Steven was sent home safely following the procedure. He returned to us the very next day to get his permanent teeth in 24 hours

Once his teeth were gently placed in his mouth, he was able to see his new smile in the mirror for the very first time. Gone are the days of hiding his smile behind his hands or pursed lips because his new smile is beautiful!

In fact, he even admitted, “I’m actually smiling and it looks good!” 

Steven was able to return home safely to Virginia to continue to heal for the next 2 months.

And came back to report this:

  • When considering Dental Implants, look at Nuvia first. 
  • I am a lot happier and I smile a lot more!
  • This is the best decision I have made in my life for my health.
  • I haven't had any pain from [this process] at all. Now my teeth are fantastic. My mouth doesn't hurt at all when I'm eating.” (Although, this can be different for everyone)
  • There's not enough good things to say about Nuvia because they've done so well. 
  • They did exactly what they said they were going to do. 

There is a lot to consider when getting dental implants. We have made an easy guide to walk you through all of the questions that you may not have thought about when it comes to getting dental implants. There is also this guide to walk you through the costs of dental implants and how it can be possible for you to finally make this dream come true. 

We were honored to have helped Steve in his journey to a more confident and healthy smile. We hope you loved his heart warming story as much as we did. To watch the entire video, click the link below.

Cost Guide

Dental Implant Cost Guide

2024 Cost Guide

This guide is designed to walk you step by step through the dental implant process and each dental implant type with their associated costs.

  • Different implant types and their average costs
  • 4 little known factors that affect pricing
  • How much will dental & health insurance typically cover for dental implants?
  • What 1000’s of average Americans are doing to make this treatment affordable.
  • And more...
Get the Guide

Top 3 Must-Read Articles: Answers to Your FAQs

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Nuvia's Permanent Teeth in 24 Hours VS Teeth-In-A-Day.

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