December 12, 2023

Protected Airway During Dental Implant Surgery

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Protected Airway During Surgery

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Did you know that in some dental implant procedures, patients remain awake and fully aware of everything happening around them? It's a common approach, but at Nuvia Dental Implant Center, your experience is quite different. Discover how our unique sedation method and protocols for a protected airway change the entire experience.

Ready to restore your smile in a safe and comfortable environment? Take the 60-second quiz to see if you may be eligible for dental implants.


When it comes to dental implant surgery, different providers might use various methods for sedation and pain management. 

It's important for patients to be aware of these different approaches as they can significantly influence the overall experience of the surgery.

Local anesthesia is a common practice in dental implant surgery. This is a process where the area around the surgical site is numbed, but the patient remains fully conscious throughout the procedure. For patients who experience dental anxiety, this could be very nerve wracking.

Luckily, other forms of anesthesia and sedation are available so patients are comfortably asleep during the procedure - stick around to learn more about your options. 

Local anesthesia is usually administered by the dentist performing the surgery. The primary purpose is to numb the specific area in the mouth where the dental implant is to be placed. 

This method can be quite effective in managing localized pain during the procedure. Patients should note that while local anesthesia reduces pain at the surgical site, they remain aware of their surroundings and the procedure as it happens and there is not as pressing a need for additional measures to be taken for a protected airway. For some, this can be disconcerting.


At Nuvia, your comfort and safety is prioritized in every aspect of our care. This commitment extends to our approach to sedation during dental implant surgeries

Our focus is on providing a comfortable experience for our patients, which is why we ONLY use general anesthesia for sedation in all our procedures. (At NO ADDED COST to you. See the Cost Guide for more info)

General anesthesia is different from local anesthesia as it puts patients completely asleep so they are comfortable and unaware of the procedure as it happens.

CRNA helping give patient a protected airway during dental implant surgery

This approach can certainly calm some nerves for patients about the surgery but may raise concerns about maintaining a protected airway.

As part of Nuvia’s commitment to patient safety, each procedure is done with a dedicated CRNA focused on monitoring the patient and maintaining a protected airway. 

This is another way Nuvia’s approach to general anesthesia is different from other methods. Commonly, a provider may be the same person to deliver and manage local or general anesthesia. Not at Nuvia.

Oral surgeons are able to be solely focused on the procedure while a CRNA is constantly monitoring a patient’s vitals, airway, and comfort. 

One of the primary reasons we use general anesthesia is to optimize the safety of the patient's airway. With our 'protected airway' approach, patients can rest assured that their breathing is continuously monitored and managed by  Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs).

This level of care and attention is a key part of our commitment to ensuring the highest standards of patient safety and comfort.

It's important for our patients to understand that the use of general anesthesia is a part of our dedicated approach to providing a comfortable surgical experience. 

Our team of professionals is trained to ensure that the anesthesia is administered safely and effectively, prioritizing the well-being and comfort of our patients at every step of the procedure.


When undergoing any surgery under general anesthesia, one of the critical pieces we focus on is ensuring a protected airway. 

This term might sound technical, but it's actually a straightforward and crucial safety measure. It means that while you are under general anesthesia, our medical team continuously and carefully manages your breathing. 

Not only does it mean that your breathing is safe but it ensures nothing enters the airway that doesn’t belong there.


Our Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) are highly trained professionals specializing in anesthesia and managing a protected airway. 

Their expertise is crucial in maintaining a secure airway during surgery. They monitor your breathing closely, making adjustments as needed to ensure a steady and unobstructed airway.


Throughout your procedure, our team employs advanced monitoring technologies. This continuous dedication allows us to track vital signs and respond immediately to any changes, ensuring your safety at every moment. Your CRNA will be monitoring your breathing and safety the entire time, fully focused on you.

CRNA closely monitoring patient to provide a protected airway


‍Post-surgery, we ensure a smooth transition from the operating room to recovery. Our team closely monitors your return to normal breathing and consciousness, providing immediate care and support as needed.


We understand you might have concerns about anesthesia and airway management. At Nuvia, we're committed to addressing these concerns by providing clear, transparent information and personalized care tailored to your needs.

Set up a consultation by first seeing if you may be eligible for dental implants with the 60-second quiz.


At Nuvia, you can have peace of mind knowing that you will be comfortably asleep during the procedure with a dedicated CRNA maintaining a protected airway at no extra cost to you.

For more information on dental implant cost, financing, and insurance, download the FREE dental implant cost guide below.

Dental Implant Cost Guide Download

Before and after dental implant surgery where he had a protected airway

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Cost Guide

Dental Implant Cost Guide

2025 Cost Guide

This guide is designed to walk you step by step through the dental implant process and each dental implant type with their associated costs.

  • Different implant types and their average costs
  • 4 little known factors that affect pricing
  • How much will dental & health insurance typically cover for dental implants?
  • What 1000’s of average Americans are doing to make this treatment affordable.
  • And more...
Get the Guide

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