March 3, 2021

What If I Don't Have Enough Bone For Dental Implants?

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For Permanent Teeth in 24 Hours

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Dentist explaining dental implants and bone loss

One main requirement for dental implants is bone. Your bone has to be dense enough and there has to be enough of it. This usually comes as a surprise when researching dental implants.

*Tooth loss causes bone loss. Healthy teeth apply constant pressure on the bone. This forces the bone to remain dense and strong.

When teeth go missing, the bone becomes weak and begins to shrink. Over time, the bone can deteriorate so much that it cannot support an implant.

Because dental implants are the next best thing to your natural teeth... the bone needs to be able to support the implants just like your natural teeth.

Don't let the need for a bone graft discourage you. Advancements in implant technology can address these problems.

In this article we will discuss Nuvia Dental Implant Center’s solutions to bone loss.

In a perfect world, you would have a bone graft at the same time you lost your tooth. Then you would have an implant installed after that bone graft healed.

Actually, in a perfect world you wouldn't have missing teeth and wouldn't need dental implants.

A bone graft is when the Dental Implant Surgeon needs to add bone to your existing bone. Sometimes a Dental Implant Surgeon will take excess bone from another part of your body and use it.

Dental Implant surgeons also use cadaver bone and bovine bone.

Dental implants have a success rate of 95%. Nuvia Dental Implant Center professionals take measures at every step to ensure success.

Let's dive into the different kinds of bone grafts. And remember, bone grafts are a very common procedure and are usually done in one sitting.

Here we will discuss the different types of bone grafts.

Ridge preservation

Ridge preservation bone graft is when the surgeon grafts bone onto any parts of the bone ridge underneath your gums. This is what is generally used with dental implants, because we want the bone ridge to be strong, without any peaks or valleys, when placing the implants. At Nuvia, we use a ridge preservation bone graft while placing the dental implants. After grafting the bone, we create what is called a “membrane” out of the patient’s white blood cells, creating an organic sort of band-aid that helps the graft heal faster.

Sinus Lift

A Sinus lift is used when there is very little to no bone on the top arch of the mouth. An opening is created underneath the cheek bone, into the sinus cavity, where bone is then grafted to create a solid structure to place implants. This requires anywhere from 6-12 months of healing time before implants can be placed. Another option instead of a sinus lift, could be to use zygomatic implants. These implants have longer screws that can be used without a sinus lift, which means there is no waiting period. Your surgeon can explain all options available to you, including what is recommended for your specific case.

How do I know if I have bone loss?

Most people with missing teeth will have bone loss. And if you have worn dentures for a time you will also have bone loss. Dentures can actually speed up bone loss. If you currently wear dentures or have had missing teeth for longer than a year… you most likely have bone loss. But, the only way to know for sure is a scan and measurements. 

A Nuvia Dental Implant Specialist will be able to take scans and measurements to see what your needs are at your consultation. You can request a voucher for a free consultation by filling out the form here.

State of the art equipment is the only way to get an accurate measurement. And the only way to know what your needs are.

Too many people suffer needlessly when they could get implants and change their life.

Other dental offices or clinics don't exclusively provide Dental Implants.

At Nuvia Dental Implant Center we exclusively focus on full mouth dental implants only. Our surgeons are highly skilled and trained, and focused entirely on your surgery.

Other dental offices may attempt to save money by having the surgeon apply and manage the anesthesia. At Nuvia Dental Implant Center, we have an anesthetist on every surgery at no added cost to you. This allows our surgeons to focus 100% on your dental implants.

Whether you have been missing multiple teeth for years... or you just recently noticed loose teeth. The sooner you can set up a consultation, the better off you will be.

Bone loss may not disqualify you for implants anymore. With the technology we have, and the incredible surgeons at Nuvia Dental Implant Center... we can address your bone loss.

Don't wait

If you are experiencing pain from failing root canals. Or pain from broken or decaying teeth... you don't have to. Dental implants have been off limits in the past. Something only wealthy people could afford.

Advancements made in dental implants are now more cost effective than in years past. Also, there are a variety of different financing options available.

Dental Implants can add precious years to your life.

See, when teeth get broken or go missing... this affects every aspect of life.

One of the main areas affected is diet. Having broken or missing teeth can limit the foods you eat. As a result of this... nutrition suffers. And when nutrition suffers, lifespan shortens.

We may not think of missing teeth as a major factor. When looked at from a holistic perspective, it is easy to see how missing teeth can affect lifespan.

Dental Implant Process

After your consultation with a Nuvia Dental Implant Specialist... you will have a mapped out treatment plan.

This plan will include precision placement for optimal implant success... using the Safesmile Method.

Prosthetic Teeth that sit on Dental Implants

Before surgery, your Dental Implant Surgeon will tell you exactly how long to fast for and what medication you need to take.

It is important to follow these recommendations. If you arrive and haven't met the requirements... surgery could be postponed.

Surgery can last anywhere from two to eight hours, depending on how extensive your needs are.

Once surgery is complete, you will need someone to give you a ride home. As you will NOT be able to drive. At Nuvia, you can eat soft food IMMEDIATELY after dental implant placement. This includes hot dogs, hamburgers, pasta, anything that can be cut with a plastic spoon. Liquid diets are not standard practice for our patients.

Nuvia's permanent teeth in 24 hours are more than just a smile...

Yes... you will have a beautiful smile. Maybe more beautiful than any smile you have ever had before.

Yes... you won't have to worry about your teeth flying out when you laugh.

Yes... you will be able to taste your food again.

Yes… you will be able to eat steak, raw veggies, pizza, and more.

You will have the sweet freedom to eat what you like. Smile without embarrassment, laugh without worry.

First Step

Scheduling your free consultation with a Nuvia Dental Implant Specialist is the first step.

Nuvia Dental Implant Center Sign

During your consultation, you can ask all the questions that are relevant to you. Your Nuvia Dental Implant Specialists will also ask you questions to determine your treatment plan.

Don't wait. Fill out the questionnaire and set up your consultation. It only takes a minute. If you have broken, missing or decayed teeth... you don't have to live in pain anymore.

If you are tired of dentures and want a permanent, healthy solution... implants could be perfect for you.


* Bone Loss Occurs Due To Missing Teeth: Aesthetic Surgery Journal, Volume 33, Issue 7, September 2013, Pages 967–974,


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Cost Guide

Dental Implant Cost Guide

2024 Cost Guide

This guide is designed to walk you step by step through the dental implant process and each dental implant type with their associated costs.

  • Different implant types and their average costs
  • 4 little known factors that affect pricing
  • How much will dental & health insurance typically cover for dental implants?
  • What 1000’s of average Americans are doing to make this treatment affordable.
  • And more...
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