Dental Implants in Brookfield, WI - Get Permanent Teeth in 24 Hours
View LocationMeet Dr. Steven Evelhoch, one of Nuvia’s accomplished oral & maxillofacial surgeons in the Brookfield office.
Dr. Evelhoch had wanted to be a dentist since the third grade. After completing dental school at Creighton University in Omaha, NB, he continued his education in oral surgery.
He completed a fellowship in cosmetic surgery in Salt Lake City, UT and another in head and neck oncology at the University of Michigan.
Dr. Evelhoch has now been practicing dentistry for 40 years and loves the work he now does at Nuvia in Brookfield, WI.
After hearing about Nuvia from friends of his in the field of oral surgery, Dr. Evelhoch recognized Nuvia’s mission and the great people working towards it. He is happy to be part of a team dedicated to changing people’s lives.
When he isn’t at the office, Dr. Evelhoch likes skiing, fly fishing, mountain biking, road biking, golf, and playing the piano.
He also loves art and feels that it is a major component of surgery, a field that combines art, talent, and intellect.
Dental Implants in Brookfield, WI - Get Permanent Teeth in 24 Hours
View LocationOur doctors are not just experts; they are visionaries in the field of dental implantology. With decades of surgical and restorative experience, and a passion for pioneering research, they are at the forefront of innovation.
Dr. Cheema was inspired to pursue a career in dentistry by her Uncle who worked as a dentist. She remembers being touched seeing the smile makeovers he got to be part of. Further motivated by the happiness she saw in patients, she studied to become a restorative dentist.
After receiving extensive education in India, she completed the international dental program at University of the Pacific, Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry in San Francisco where she stayed and practiced until moving to Milwaukee to join Nuvia Dental Implant Center in Brookfield.
Having significant experience with full mouth dental implants, Dr. Cheema is all too familiar with the old way of doing dental implants and was attracted to Nuvia as she saw the opportunity to provide her patients with a totally different experience.
The old way of doing dental implants involves having patients wear temporary teeth for what could be up to 10+ months. Dr. Cheema had seen the struggles patients went through with temporary teeth that are prone to breaking and creating all sorts of troubles.
At Nuvia, patients are able to bypass months of temporary teeth all together and start using their permanent teeth 24 hours after their dental implants are placed. Dr. Cheema loves that she can restore her patients’ smiles overnight and give them a much different experience than traditional methods can.
Growing up, Dr. Cheema would do service at a community kitchen with her dad before school. She continues to love doing community service when she isn’t working as a restorative dentist. Dr. Cheema also loves to be in nature, go on hikes, and play the harmonium.
Dr. Evelhoch had wanted to be a dentist since the third grade. After completing dental school at Creighton University in Omaha, NB, he continued his education in oral surgery.
He completed a fellowship in cosmetic surgery in Salt Lake City, UT and another in head and neck oncology at the University of Michigan.
Dr. Evelhoch has now been practicing dentistry for 40 years and loves the work he now does at Nuvia in Brookfield, WI.
After hearing about Nuvia from friends of his in the field of oral surgery, Dr. Evelhoch recognized Nuvia’s mission and the great people working towards it. He is happy to be part of a team dedicated to changing people’s lives.
When he isn’t at the office, Dr. Evelhoch likes skiing, fly fishing, mountain biking, road biking, golf, and playing the piano.
He also loves art and feels that it is a major component of surgery, a field that combines art, talent, and intellect.